Men’s Health Month and Father’s Day are all celebrated in June, allowing you an opportunity to celebrate the men in your life—or yourself! Here are the reasons why you should pay attention to these special events:
According to The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this national observance encourages boys, men, and their families to practice and implement healthy living decisions. Men’s health focuses on healthy food choices, staying active, quitting smoking, getting regular checkups, and taking care of their mental health.
Raise awareness about the importance of men’s health. Encourage boys and men to lead a healthy lifestyle by wearing blue. This is such a great way to celebrate the men in your life.
Father’s Day was first recognized as a holiday by Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909 when she worked with local businesses in her community to establish an official holiday similar to Mother’s Day for “male parents.” On June 19th, 1910, the first-ever Father’s Day was celebrated in Washington state.
In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day, making it the holiday it is today. Father’s Day rotates each year, depending on the calendar, and always occurs on a Sunday. This year, Father’s Day is Sunday, June 20th.
Source: U.S.Census Bureau
Because a man’s health not only affects him but his family too, encouraging them to take care of their health and let them know how much you care.
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